Tuesday, March 5, 2013

RE: Urgent Required

From: Lijep Pozdrav [mailto:michael@flynnandassoc.com]
Sent: Sunday, March 04, 2012 10:47 PM
Subject: Urgent Required


Am really sorry i wrote so late about my inquiry i actually traveled to china to meet with some suppliers and i just came back into town few days ago. I was able to meet with some companies and also got to see what they have for me but i was surprised because the prices are much.

We saw a similar product on Alibaba Shopping/Business page so please confirm to us if you/your company can make provision of the exact product as shown on Alibaba Shopping/Business page which you can view by clicking the link below and login with you email address to download the attachment page to view the product. We will await your response with details, date of delivery and send quotation for large qty urgently prize and quantity that can be made available.

(please copy and paste the link to your Internet browser 'Address' field)

Lijep pozdrav

Greetings Mr. Pozdrav,

I am furious about the lateness of your reply! If you were here in front of me, I would spit on you and tell you that you are stupid and ugly. I would kick you in the knee with my foot. I would burn down your village, and use the ashes to nourish my potted plants...

That being said, I'm happy to be doing business with you. I assure you, we can make the product to your exact specifications and provide you with as many as you need. We are the very best sex-robot making company in the world - so you've definitely come to the right place... pervert.

I had difficulty logging into my special account through your link. Can you please re-send me my log-in information.

May our business flow like the mighty river, be bold like the mighty dragon, and be comfortable like my mighty pants,

Douglas VanderValk
Product Tester (if you know what I mean)
Static Erect-ricity
Empowering Robots... to make love to humans

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