Wednesday, March 27, 2013

RE: Mr. Bellows - Part 3

Date: Wed, 11 Jul 2012 00:43:36 -0700
Subject: Re: Mr Bellows

Send your mailing address to certified  courier company service contact information's below 

EMS Courier Serive

Contact the company  with your postal  mailing address, the cheque is now with them

Ron Turgeon

Hello Courier,

My friend Ronny tells me you currently have my cheque. I am so excited, I have to stop typing........... two days have passed since I last typed. I have finally calmed down enough for my fingers to work properly.

Please inform me of what information you need to be informed with. I would like to move this process forward quickly. As I told Ronny, I am very poor since my wife left me. She not only took my belongings, but also my self esteem. And also, my belongings... I really miss Cornelius Fuzzy-bottom.

Please reply with super speed. In your reply, you probably shouldn't use vowels in order to save time... I cnt wt fr yr rply!  m typng spr fst!

May your children's bellies be filled with animal meat,
Dee Bellows


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