Saturday, January 12, 2013

RE: Rubi would like to get together

Subject: Rubi would like to get together
Date: Fri, 19 Aug 2011 03:32:29 -0500

Hi ,  Lets get straight to the point.LOL Lets meet for a quick eyeball near my place.I live ,according to the site, within 5 miles of you.

How about we make sure we click and then back to my place.LOL

I am not looking for romance .I'am looking for midnight booty calls LOL. Are you up for it? :)

If u are hit me up at:

Love Rubi.

Subject: RE: Rubi would like to get together

Hey Rubi,

You're all business - I like that. We should definitely meet for a quick eyeball. If we have good chemistry, maybe we can do some more serious eyeballing at your place. LOL.

I'm glad you're not looking for romance, because neither am I. One time I bought flowers for an old girlfriend, and then there was a bee in the flowers, and then the bee stinged... stang?... stunged? stung? ... stanged me... so now I never buy anyone flowers. Last Valentine's day, I bought my girlfriend a leather vest with an eagle embroidered on the back. She isn't my girlfriend anymore. I think she's probably a lesbian.

I haven't been with many women since then. I have been with zero - which is really the smallest number of women possible. I'm really looking forward to some midnight booty calls. Luckily for you, I am really good at making sex.

Here's some dirty talk to get you in the mood:
"I am going to make intercourse all over you. Instead of having intercourse for only a few minutes, we are going to have intercourse for a lot of minutes. You are going to like it a lot, and say things like 'oh yes', and 'yes, yes, yes' and 'oh yeah' and also some moaning sounds and stuff." Skin sword.

I can't wait to hear back from you,

Dizzly Bear.... Grr.

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