Wednesday, February 20, 2013


Date: Mon, 16 Jan 2012 16:06:41 +0000

Dear Account User,

This message is from our database to all free and premium Windows Live account owners. Due to congestion in our database, we are terminating all unverified accounts. To prevent your account from closing, you have to update it. Click on your reply button to reply back to this message and then fill the information below. 

Full Name: ................................... 
User Name:..................................
Password: .....................................
Date of Birth: ...............................
Country or Territory: ...............

Warning!!! Account owner that refuses to verify his/her account after a week of receiving this warning, will lose it permanently.

Microsoft controls the data collected in this survey and may use your responses (together with existing data we have about you) to make sure its products and services meet your needs and preferences. Microsoft will treat all data collected from you in accordance with our privacy policy.

The Windows Live 
Hotmail Team

Copyright © 2012 Hotmail ! Inc. All rights reserved

Good heavens! My account might be terminated! Noooooooooooooooooooo!

I am typing as fast as my fingers will allow (my fingers are actually sweating).

Full Name: Dryan Ulysses Bellows IV
User Name:
Password:   littletinyboner14
Date of Birth: October 3rd, 2005
Country or Territory: Kanas, America, Earth

I sure hope I got this email back in time. I don't know what I'd do if I lost my Hotmail account. I would miss out on all the online dating and penis enlargement emails that I need to get through the day.

Thanks for your help,

Fondest Wishes
Dryan Bellows

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