Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Linda Bruno - Part 7

From: linda_bruno007@hotmail.com
Subject: I want to know if you have forwarded the two certificates to the United Kingdom bank??
Date: Sat, 14 Jan 2012 12:01:37 +0000
Dear Vander,

I want to know if you have forwarded the two certificates to the United Kingdom bank??

Linda bruno

Dearest Linda,

I am sorry for my delay - I have been traveling. It was Paul Bunyan Day here in America - where we celebrate a large man cutting down trees. We all drink glasses of maple syrup and dance for 4 straight days. It is our most sacred holiday.

I have indeed sent the documents to the bank - I am awaiting their reply. Soon I will be able to take you away from the terrible situation you are in, and move you to my poorly lit one bedroom apartment here in America. Please try to be strong. If it helps you to think about me lifting weights, then I think you should do that.

I am also worried about reverend Frank. He has still not replied to my email. Please let me know if he is ok... Have you spoken to him? If it was at night - you should be careful, as I suspect he may now be a vampire. If it was during the day, he may be a reverse vampire of some sort... be cautious.

I will contact you immediately when I hear from the bank. I expect the Dutch woman to send me the money very soon. Please send more photos of yourself so that I might think of you from across the ocean.

May you have the absorbency of a roll of Bounty paper towels,

Your man lover,

Dr. Bellow "Bellowy" B.Bellows

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