Tuesday, July 31, 2012

RE: Want to get together at the Starbucks in town ?

From: Rachael@findsweethookups.com
Subject: Want to get together at the Starbucks in town ?
Date: Tue, 17 May 2011 15:01:24 -0500
Hey, I thought maybe we could hook up? Want to get a coffee somewhere .. the Starbucks in town works for me. Let me know.

Love Rachael

From: Doug Bellows
Sent: Tuesday, May 24, 2011 4:42 PM
To: 'Rachael@findsweethookups.com'
Subject: RE: Want to get together at the Starbucks in town ?


You bet your boots we can hook up. I don't like coffee, but maybe we could meet in my friend's basement instead. He has a bumper pool table. I'm really good. His mom also bought freeze pops. Perhaps you could eat one in a suggestive manner, and I could use my imagination.

I have to admit, its really nice to hear from you. I've been really desperate. A few weeks ago, I made love to my neighbor's mailbox. That might sound strange, but it was beautiful. The mailman hasn't delivered there since.

I hope it isn't too soon to say this - but I think we're soul mates Rachel. I feel confident we will be very happy together. I have a Nintendo Wii. It will help us stay in shape so we remain sexually attractive. I heard that playing the Wii too much can give you arm cancer, but as long as we go through arm chemotherapy together, I don't care. I would even hold your cancer hand.

Let me know when you want to come over. I will pre-soften the beanbag chair for you.



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