Monday, July 30, 2012

RE: best place

> Date: Fri, 13 May 2011 10:08:48 -0500
> From:
> To:
> Subject: best place
> Dear Dante!
> We provide you an answer.
> Not only men have problems with sexual activity.
> --
> Leigh Johnson

Sent: Monday, May 23, 2011 8:55 AM
Subject: RE: best place
It's me... Dante. For years, I have been saying problems with sexual activity aren't my fault - thank you for your support. I think we both know, when it comes to the ladies - I am like a mystical centaur, carrying a bow of passion that fires flaming arrows of sensuality and lust and sometimes orgasms. But even the greatest archer can sometimes miss his mark - like if he gets arm cramps or something.
Please provide me with the answer that I (Dante) so deeply desire. In preparation, I have already stripped down and begun to rub oil all over my body. You don't have to be uncomfortable though - I am wearing a very stylish vest. It draws attention away from my private area (which I like to call my "skin sword"). I am also watching a Golden Girls marathon to get me in the mood.
Please send women - or at the very least, a few effeminate men - to my home immediately, so I may conquer them like a raccoon conquering a small trash can. I will pay any amount. After all - I am Dante and I am rich. I have my own helicopter.
Fondest wishes,
Dante Bellows

PS. Skin sword!

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