Tuesday, August 21, 2012

RE: Quote My Ref No.

> From: info@yahoo.co.uk
> Subject: Quote My Ref No.
> Date: Sat, 18 Aug 2012 05:47:27 -0700
> To:
> My name is Pamela Rogers, I am going on a cancer surgery today, I have left you 11,500,000.00 British pounds to do good deeds for the work of the
> Lord.Contact my solicitor quoting my ref no. CLY/011/RZZ/7350/5582/100SF/UK for further info. Barr. Lee Malcolm. barr.lee.malc@armenian.me.uk
> Sincerely,
> Mrs. Pamela Rogers

 Mr. Malcom,

Greetings and fond wishes to you. May a warm sandwich find it's way into your mouth on this fine day.

My lady friend Pamela Rogers told me to contact you for more info about all her money. Here is the necessary reference number: CLY/011/RZZ/7350/5582/100SF/UK. As you know, she is having cancer surgery - I very much hope that the surgery is successful. Please let me know if you have heard any news.

If the worst has happened, and she's dead, then I will bravely spend all of her money. I will do good works with it - like helping fat people to be less fat and stuff. I'll probably buy a lot of puppies too. People love puppies. I'm sure you love puppies as well.

Anyways, lets get this business done as soon as possible. May your arrangements be made as swiftly as a fat child on a water slide,

Fondest wishes,
Donald P. Bellows

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