Monday, April 1, 2013

RE: Adoption... - Part 1

Subject: Adoption...
Date: Mon, 23 Jul 2012 00:04:48 +0800
My name is Howard Duncan and I know a single birth mother, her pregnancy was unplanned and now she have a baby girl, she is just 3 days old. She feel her baby would be best with a loving, kind, and accepting adoptive family, couple or single parent of any race. During her pregnancy she had used no drugs, cigarette or alcohol. She is still in the hospital because she has a lung disease. If any one is interested please kindly contact me by email her name is Sarah and I am her Attorney.

Hello Howard,

My name is Dave, and I am interested in your human baby.

I will be an excellent parent. My skin is pale and smooth, like a bar of Dove soap. I have fine furniture made of metal and wood and animal skins. My food is seasoned with spices brought by ship from the orient. It is the ideal place for a child.

I am, however, saddened to hear that the human baby's mother has a lung disease. It makes my heart have a disease... the disease of sadness.

Please tell me where I can pick up my baby. I will move a swiftly as the great sparrow,

Hugs and kisses,
David J. Bellows

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